Monday, February 8, 2010

Spring Stationery is Here!

Many boxes arrived at the Palm last week! We were so excited to find that Lifeguard Press had been really busy packing and shipping our spring order. Now, we are really busy unpacking and changing over the store to spring! It's a good thing I tried the OPI gel two week manicure at Mes Amies last week. Unpacking is usually an instant manicure killer. Not this time! My nails won!


  1. So exciting! It all looks so fabulous! And amazing that your manicure lasted through unpacking!!!

  2. The store looks awesome! I can't wait to get my hands on some of the new goodies! :-) XOXO

  3. 1. I ADORE your store pics, I would LOVE to shop there!!

    2. I left you a little something on my blog :)

  4. I left you an award on my blog :)

  5. There is sooooo much cuteness here!

  6. Oh rats. I thought I saw a Bonanno sale on here earlier and just came back to order. A day late and two pair short! Double rats...XXOO
